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A mechanical being awoke in a dark, desolate wasteland. Wind blew against his blue and white armor, bringing with it some sand that scraped against its finishing. The first thought the being had was, "Where am I?" After a short pause, the being inquired further "Who am I?"

Memories swirled in his head, but as he tried to make sense of it, he only got more and more confused. Rather than trying to finish his train of thought prone on the ground, he decided it might be best to start looking around while he pondered. "My name... it starts with a J, right? Something like that?" He thought to himself as he stood up.

His singular, glowing eye gazed into the distance. Nothing. There was nothing, aside from a gravely ground that stretched for eternity and clouds that blocked out almost all light. Turning in circles to make sure he wasn't missing anything, the being scanned for anything new or different on the horizon, but nothing stood out.

"Well, if I'm stuck here," he thought, "I may as well go for a walk to clear my mind. It looks like that may be all I can do"

The being took made good use of his Timbs as started towards an arbitrary direction.

"My name... my name... surely I've got one, right?" the being muttered to himself. "And how did I get... here??"

He banged his claw against his head, hoping that maybe that maybe all that it was was a loose circuit. But no memories came to him. As he looked back to the horizon, expecting to see a continued desert, he was caught by surprise as he noticed a small green blur in the distance. Not sure what to think of it, he approached cautiously. Despite his hesitancy, he was relieved. He was going to get to the bottom of this.

He continued closer and closer. The blob began to take shape in the beings view. It wasn't just a blob, it was a creature of some kind, with a similar anatomy to himself! The being got closer and closer to the green creature, but as suddenly as he found him, the creature vanished.

The blue and white armored being looked around. But he didn't see where the creature could have gone. The being collapsed to the ground. Panic started to set in as he realized that he was once again entirely alone. He was scared. He was tired. He was angry. And most of all, he had no answers for any of this. He looked up into the sky and shouted.

A name. That was all he needed. Just his name and he would be satisfied.

His screaming ended as his lungs let out the last of his breath. He inhaled deeply as he lowered his head in defeat. If he had only kept his eyes back on the sky, he would have noticed the singular gold coin that seemed to appear from nothing hurdling towards him at an alarming rate. One moment he was solemnly catching his breath, the next, he felt a sharp pain on the back of his head through his baseball cap. And then, everything went dark.

He was sure he was dead. But as he drifted between awake and asleep, a calm, warm glow surrounded him. The glow felt nice, as if any pain he could ever have was no match for it. As he slipped into a deep sleep, he questioned one last time what was happening and where he was. He was met with a sound. Despite its absurdity; he felt like it was a message for him. He played back the sound in his mind and again, words formed. His conscious thoughts faded as he pondered the message.

"Rest, Schlibble. Answers later."

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